Background Information

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Phone Number:

All Positions

This portion of the quiz is for all applicants.


I have a written copy of the Service Provider Guidelines which I can take with me as reference material.


Yes No


I understand that my name and phone number may be given to clients of Disability Services in the course of my employment.


Yes No


I have reviewed the materials in the service provider orientation module. If I did not understand any of the material I have been given an opportunity to ask questions.


Yes No


I know that I am encouraged to review the Service Provider Guidelines and revisit this site for reference as needed.


Yes No


A new Service Provider Application is due each semester so that your schedule can be matched to assignments. The deadline for turning in the new application is.


A. Before the first day of classes.
B. One week before the first day of classes.
C. There is no deadline. Turn in as soon as you are confident of your schedule.
D. One week after classes begin.


Disability Services will attempt to match you with assignments where you will be successful. But there are no guaranteed hours.


True False


In order to maintain confidentiality it is a good idea to have an initial meeting with the client to discuss the service provider’s role in the classroom.


True False


Describe below some of the precautions that should be taken to protect confidentiality while working with a client or contacting him/her.


If you must miss an assignment, you are responsible to do which of the following.


A. Notify the instructor.
B. Notify Disability Services.
C. Find a replacement for that assignment.
D. Ask the client to get the information from a classmate.


Describe the no-show procedure below.


Service providers are responsible to provide only the assistance for which they are assigned, not personal assistance like helping with phone calls or providing transportation in the provider's personal car.


True False


A service provider should not participate in class except to get clarification from the instructor.


True False


In some cases you should still record and be paid the full time for a class/assignment even when you did not work the full scheduled time. Check all the cases below where you would record the full assigned time.

  A. The student or instructor shows up late.
B. The student does not show up.
C. The instructor does not show up.
D. You are notified in advance that the class has been canceled.
E. The class is dismissed early.



Pay is issued on the 1st and 15th of each month. It is one pay period behind. The university requests that all employees use direct deposit.


True False


The Time Sheet must be signed by both the provider and the client to be processed. The provider may sign for the client if approved in advance by:


A. Disability Services.
B. The client.
C. Both Disability Services and the client.

16) A separate time sheet is required for each client.
  True False


Reader/Scribe Quiz

Complete this portion of the quiz only if applying for a Reader/Scribe position.


The job of a reader is to read and interpret the course materials.


True False


Some clients may schedule readers for assistance outside of the classroom.  Please check all tasks that would be considered approved reader assistance.


A. reading library materials
B. assisting with laundry
C. driving around town for personal errands
D. reading course notes and handouts
E. assistance with class research


When scribing for a client during an exam, the scribe should:


A. guide the client on correct punctuation and sentence structure
B. suggest different word usage
C. write only what the client dictates
D. paraphrase the client’s answers


During an exam it is the reader/scribe’s job to clarify any questions that the client has regarding the exam content.


True False


What is the appropriate step to take if a client has a question about the exam?


It is not an ethical violation to guide a client during a test simply by voice inflection.


True False


Note Taker Quiz

Complete this portion of the quiz only if applying for a Note Taker position.


Abbreviations should be used where possible to speed up the note taking process.


True False


Notes should be as detailed as possible.


True False


You are responsible for providing notes to the client even if the client does not attend class.


True False


The initial meeting between note taker and client should include the preferences of the client like colors of ink and types of paper so that the notes are tailored to the client.


True False


The note taker may also assist in quiz taking or as a lab assistant, but these assignments must be approved by Disability Services.


True False


The client tells you just before class that an emergency has come up and asks you to take notes in their absence. How would you respond?


You are taking notes during class. The client falls asleep. Explain below what you should do to handle the situation.


As a note taker, I should speak with the client frequently to check to see that all needs are being met.


True False


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